1. Swimming efficiency, or also called stroke index, is an important concept for improving performance in the water. There are several formulas for calculating swimming efficiency, but let's look at two common approaches:
Swimming Equation: The swimming equation is a formula that considers variables such as reaction time, time under water, turn time, stroke count, and stroke frequency
Here's how it's written: [ ST = S + (UT + TT) + (CC \cdot SR) ]
This equation represents two components: time under water and time above water. Time under water is the sum of (UT) and (TT), while time above water is a function of (CC) multiplied by (SR)..
2. Speed Formula: Another approach involves swimming speed.
The formula is: [ v = \frac{{P_m \cdot E_p}}{D} ]
This formula takes into account muscle power, propulsive efficiency and water resistance to calculate swimming speed.
In short, improving swimming efficiency requires good technique, correct stroke frequency, and effective time management under and above the water.
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