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Management of swimming pool activities


Management of swimming pool activities

There are three fundamental aspects that contribute to management:

  • Management and management: which includes carrying out the reporting and coordination functions of all the technical-administrative operations necessary for the efficiency of the plant (which must be ensured by the managing body).

  • The organization of the sporting activity: which must be ensured directly by the licensed sports clubs and by external groups with their own staff, for the performance of all sporting practices (competitions, events, activities organized with courses and with individual access).

  • Maintenance: which must include all the planning of technical and functional interventions (ordinary - extraordinary - improvements) to maintain and improve the state of efficiency of each part of the system; these burdens and tasks can be divided between the granting body and the concessionary body.

By operating on these factors, aiming at their optimization, it is possible to obtain positive effects on the management of a sports facility, both in terms of increases in revenue and in terms of containment of management and running costs.

In this short contribution, attention has been focused on maintenance, in its various forms (with the exemplification of some "standard sheets" prepared for the interventions to be carried out on the various systems, with an indication of the timing) and on the identification of a management protocol to be implemented in order to prevent and reduce the hygienic-sanitary risks inherent to swimming facilities.

Maintenance is defined by UNI 9910 as a combination of all technical and administrative actions, including supervision actions, aimed at maintaining or returning an entity to a state in which it can perform the required function; maintenance therefore means all those activities aimed at keeping a system, a plant or a building efficient.

Normative requirements:

  • Legislative Decree 163/2006 (New Procurement Code – De Lise) – the topic of maintenance is dealt with in the art. 93 paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree 163/2006 and art. 40 of Presidential Decree 554/99 (Maintenance plan for the work and its parts); they recognize the importance of preserving and maintaining quality over time (useful life cycle), prescribing the obligation to draw up a maintenance plan to accompany the executive project.

  • The obligation to carry out maintenance on systems in the workplace, with regards to the safety of people, is established by the Presidential Decree. 547/55 “Regulations for the prevention of accidents at work” and was reiterated by Legislative Decree 626/94; the lack of maintenance is criminally sanctioned, even if it does not cause any injury (crime of danger).

  • The maintenance obligation also derives indirectly from art. 2087 of the Civil Code, which provides in art. 2043 that the person in charge of the plant is required to compensate those who have suffered damages (compensation for tort). The maintenance obligation also derives from a series of legislative provisions concerning particular activities and buildings: – activities subject to the control of the Fire Brigade (Presidential Decree 577/82 and Presidential Decree 37/98); – tourist-hotel activities (Ministerial Decree 9 April 1994); places of public entertainment and entertainment (Ministerial Decree 19 August 1996); – sports facilities (Ministerial Decree 18 March 1996); – school buildings (Ministerial Decree 26 August 1992); – Law no. 46 of 5/3/90 - Rules for the safety of facilities and regulation for the implementation of Presidential Decree no. 447 of 06 December 1991 (for electrical systems) In the agreements for public sports services, stipulated between the granting body, the public administration and the association-entity Manager of the swimming facility, a pre-established commitment of contractual obligations regarding the maintenance interventions is normally prescribed.

  • For more information: Rules relating to the design and maintenance of F.I.N. systems

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